Ada Dolls Season 2 Presale

The Ada Dolls Season 2 Presale is limited to holders of S1 Ada Dolls.

Each wallet holding S1 dolls during the snapshot taken on 2021-11-28 at 23:59 UTC is eligible to buy 1 Season 2 doll for every 5 Season 1 doll held. For example:

  • Wallet had 1-5 dolls: Can buy 1 S2 during presale
  • Wallet had 6-10 dolls: Can buy 2 S2 during presale
  • Wallet had 11-15 dolls: Can buy 3 S2 during presale
  • etc...

Check Eligibility

Ada Dolls Season 2
The presale is now over!

The Presale is Now Over

Thank you for your interest and/or participation in the Ada Dolls Season 2 Presale. The presale time period has now expired and any remaining dolls will be available via our public sale which can be found at

Check if you're eligible for the presale!